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Nancy Pelosi kept the House closed as her party developed a massive spending bill. The $3 trillion package is supposed to battle the vi...

Pelosi Slipped Another Liberal Goody Into Her Bill – She Wants To Give Millions Through PPP To Planned Parenthood

Nancy Pelosi kept the House closed as her party developed a massive spending bill.
The $3 trillion package is supposed to battle the virus. But it includes a liberal wish list, including blue state bailouts and tax cuts for rich liberals.
And now, here is another little nugget Nance slipped into it…
From Live Action:
While the bill contains the Paycheck Protection Program, it removes safeguards preventing abortion facilities from applying to receive funds. The aid local and state governments receive from the federal government can be used to aid abortion facilities.
Wow. Pelosi’s “HEROES” bill will extend the Paycheck Protect Program, but it removes a rule that prevented Planned Parenthood from getting money.
Which means a chunk of this $3 trillion package could go to this group, and groups like it, that are despised by the conservative right.
Keep in mind, Planned Parenthood already gets a large amount of funding from the federal government.
Not to mention funding from state and local government AND private donations from liberals.
So, do they really need to take money from a program meant to save businesses struggling with lockdowns?
What does PP do that has any connection with COVID relief? Shouldn’t this money go to healthcare workers on the front lines?
The silver lining in all this is that this bill has little chance of passing in the Senate. And the White House has already promised to veto it if hell freezes over and it makes it to Trump’s desk.
But this bill is a perfect picture of Nancy’s—and the rest of the Democrats’—priorities.
While America battles to save the economy, she’s throwing money to Planned Parenthood.
SHARE if you stand against Nancy Pelosi’s far-left bill.
Source: Live Action

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